When people first get married, they are typically close partners who enjoy spending time together and sharing common interests. However, a marriage may break down later because the two spouses have grown apart. Everything and everyone changes, and with that in mind, it makes sense that not every marriage can last forever.
Not to say that people who are married don’t do their best to maintain a loving, happy, and mutually supportive relationship. Regardless, if they reach a point where they are no longer able to remain together as a married couple, then, getting divorced is the next step.
Contested vs. uncontested divorce
There are two types of divorces. In a contested divorce, the two married partners cannot agree on the details of their divorce, and they usually bring their own legal representation to the divorce process. A contested divorce is usually litigated in court and often takes many years and cost many thousands of dollars. A contested divorce is typically an emotionally and financially draining experience.
On the other hand, in an uncontested divorce, both of the spouses agree on the fundamental issues and details of their divorce. This may include distribution of their jointly-owned property and marital debts and the payment of spousal support or alimony. If they have minor children from the marriage, they would also reach an amicable agreement regarding matters of visitation, custody, and child support for their children.
An uncontested divorce is commonly viewed as a friendly and civil divorce proceeding where spouses work together to reach mutually agreeable decisions about their divorce so they can avoid the contentiousness of having to litigate a contested divorce in court. The is a much less costly divorce process in terms of emotional and financial stress.
Tips for an uncontested divorce from cheap divorce lawyers
Tip #1
When discussing negotiating terms of the divorce with your spouse, keep your emotions in check and remain calm.
Both of you probably realize that it is in the best interests of everyone involved to reach an amicable agreement regarding your divorce matters. Many amicable divorces turn contentious as the process goes on, so if you keep your cool, you can avoid the harsh experience of going through a costly contested divorce.
Tip #2
If it is possible, file your divorce using “no-fault” grounds for divorce.
Grounds of divorce are generally the “legally recognizable reasons” the couple does not wish to remain married. Every individual state in the United States has established specific grounds that must be heeded to file for a divorce in that state. The two types of grounds are fault-based grounds and no-fault grounds. The fault-based grounds require the spouse filing for divorce to describe and prove a specific fault of the other spouse.
When the no-fault grounds are used to file for divorce, neither married partner has to allege or prove fault by their spouse. Most commonly, the no-fault grounds for divorce require one or both of the partners to claim in the divorce filing that the marriage has been irreparably or irretrievably broken and cannot be saved.
Tip #3
Hire an uncontested divorce lawyer to prepare and file your divorce papers.
Cheap divorce lawyers can provide legal advice, which might be essential if you have minor children and a substantial amount of property to divide in your divorce. To find out more information, schedule a consultation with a divorce attorney in your local area today