Just because car insurance is required does not necessarily mean that everyone follows the rules. This is a real problem, with millions of drivers going uninsured. When you are in an accident with an uninsured driver, you run a serious risk. While you can file a lawsuit against the driver, there is a chance that the driver will still be unable to pay for damages. After all, those who do not have insurance often cannot afford to make the payments required for a high value suit. This is where underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage comes into play.
Are Underinsured and Uninsured Motorist the Same?
It is common to confuse underinsured and uninsured motorist coverages. Often, you can bundle the two coverages and it is recommended that you do. Their differences are in their names. Underinsured motorist coverage is necessary when you are in a wreck with a driver who does not have enough coverage to pay for the damages. Uninsured motorist is when a driver has no car insurance at all.
Normally, if one person is at fault for an accident, that person’s insurance is responsible for the damages that the other vehicle sustained. However, when the policy has limits that will not cover your expenses, what can you do? You can still make a claim against the person’s insurance and receive a partial award but it may not be enough to cover your costs. For instance, what if the driver’s insurance only covers 100,000 dollars in damages but you have up to 200,000 dollars in damages? If you have underinsured motorist coverage, then you can make a claim against your policy’s limit for the remaining of the damages that you deserve.
Do You Need Underinsured Motorist Coverage?
Underinsured motorist coverage is not an expensive add-on to your car insurance policy. Alongside how inexpensive it is, it also has a lot of advantages for you. If you are in an accident with someone who does not have enough coverage, then you may still be able to collect money for the injuries you suffer and the damage to your vehicle.
When it comes to any car accident, you shouldn’t have to deal with the complexities on your own. If you are dealing with an accident involving an underinsured motorist, then you may want to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. He or she can help you to navigate your case. Contact a car accident lawyer, like a car accident lawyer in Gretna, LA from Reddy Accident Law, today for more information.