Truck Accident Lawyer Winder, GA
More often than not, truck accidents can cause victims to end up with injuries that can greatly impact their life and cause pain and suffering. Because truck accidents are usually much more destructive and devastating than car accidents, it is common for many victims to have severe injuries. Skilled personal injury lawyers have seen all types of injuries that clients have suffered as a result of truck accidents. If you have been seriously hurt after an accident, your daily life can be changed dramatically, and it can be weeks or months before you are back to normal. If you have particularly severe injuries, you can end up with high medical bills that can be a struggle to pay off. These are some of the most common types of injuries that many truck accident victims suffer.
Head Injuries
You can suffer many types of head injuries in a truck accident. Many victims of truck accidents sustain some kind of head injury because of the strong force of impact. Bruises, concussions, brain bleeding, and other head injuries can be life-threatening if they are ignored. Treating these injuries can also be expensive depending on how severe they are.
Neck Injuries
Whiplash is a common injury among victims who have been in vehicle accidents. A person can suffer whiplash when an impact causes their neck to jolt violently back. It is painful and can make it difficult to turn or move the neck. Muscle strains are another type of neck injury that truck accident victims suffer.
Back Injuries
Victims of truck accidents are especially prone to back injuries because of the sheer force of the collision. Trucks are extremely heavy vehicles, and even accidents involving smaller trucks can do a lot of damage to victims. Lower back injuries such as back strains and fractures are common among truck accident victims due to the large size of trucks.
Leg Injuries
Accident victims can suffer a variety of injuries. Compound fractures, broken bones, and soft tissue damage, and lacerations are just a few of the leg injuries that many victims can suffer from. Victims can suffer leg injuries if their legs are pinned inside the vehicle or underneath the vehicle if they are thrown out. If a vehicle is struck hard enough, a victim can seriously injure their legs.
Spinal Cord Injuries
Truck accident victims also commonly suffer spinal cord injuries. The spinal cord is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, and it can get so severely damaged that it can cause a victim to become partially or totally paralyzed. Spinal cord injuries can also cause injuries that result in numbness, tingling, and restricted movement.
A lawyer will fight for you so your medical expenses can be compensated for after an accident. As a Winder truck accident lawyer like one from Norris Injury Law can explain, you can recover a higher amount of economic and non-economic damages by hiring a lawyer. Request a consultation with an experienced accident lawyer that you can rely on now so you can find out how you can recover the maximum financial compensation possible.